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  • The Universe always brings closer what you focus on.Is this where I really want to be?How can you put it into your life?Heartset is setting up your heart to be free of the past and finding your essence as close as possible to the nature of your own true qualities.Heartset is working on yourself to free yourself from past events and to purify yourself from past traumas.A healed heartset is a heartset able to focus.Have your heart set on the things you really desire and want in life.Getting your heart set on what you really want will free you to find the interior essence of yourself and get your mind set on what your heartset really desires.How does heartset make mindset easier?Once you get your heartset on something that you truly want, then you can focus your mind on the things that your heart truly desires.Mindset is the psychological and belief system of the brain.Once you get your heartset purified to the core nature of yourself, to the most important qualities in yourself, you can get your heartset and mindset on what you truly desire.Your heart will communicate from the heartset to your mindset.The heartset is the emotional part of yourself.Once your heartset is emotionally mature enough to find the value of the true qualities in yourself, you will find the true value of yourself and your heart can communicate that value to your mindset.How can people practice heartset?Practicing heartset takes a willingness to want to work on yourself.Focus on learning emotional maturity skills to seek out the best within yourself.Set a vision and define goals you want to achieve.Heartset practice is learning to love and embrace yourself in all of your failures and successes.Getting your emotions under control, not reacting to things life throws at you.Practice of heartset is a set of repetitions used on a daily basis to retrain our heartset and mindset to do what we know is good for us to emotionally mature.The heartset practice is to get rid of your old self negative talk and negative ways of thinking to regain a new found freedom within yourself.Heartset practices are to help you to recognize the best in yourself.To do the emotional mature thing you want to do, not what’s expected of you.The good thing is that maladaptive behaviors.Behaviors that we have learnt, such as a habit you pick up from a traumatic event or a habit you pick up from an early age, can be replaced with more productive behaviors by practicing positive heartset daily repetitions.Make a decision to pick a practice of positive daily practices.Work on your heart set practices daily.Practice these practices for 30 days.Then you will start to see the progress.Your emotions will start to change.Getting our emotions under control will change how we react to the world.What is the key to a limitless mindset?It is a valuable set of skills to have when your heartset and mindset are in harmony with one another.When the heartset and the mindset are in harmony there are limitless possibilities to what you can achieve in the mindset.You can get what your heartset truly desires.When the heartset is clear, it makes it easier for the mindset to achieve what you truly want.How can you put it into your life?Hearts and Minds is what I would like to talk about.To me it is listening to your intuitive voice within, that soft voice saying you have to take action, just do it.Sometimes, if we just take a moment to ourselves and sit in quiet doing meditation, we will become connected and open ourselves up by tuning in to what our heart wants and desires.We all need love and by listening to our hearts and minds in a quiet place, we can find it.Everyone has something they feel is holding them back, that stops them in their tracks like a giant boulder.If they take the time to actually stop and think what that is, the solution to that problem is right in front of them.It always has been there, you just have to make the decision to take the first step forward.You can always go forward by working to put yourself where you want to be, step by step, everyday.We can never go back to where we were and fall apart but we can go back to the start where we decided to fix this situation and begin again.You can never fail as long as you keep trying.If we over do things and become stressed, we lose focus, things become muddled and it can seem like chaos all around us.We have to take a step back, look at everything, put it in order and deal with them according to their importance.We can see love and beauty all around us in nature.We should show gratitude for what we have been given because we are surrounded by Love.I started one day and found love within myself by being creative and thankful for what I have.I looked inside my heart and found my inner voice telling me I can change my world by being creative.By focusing on building towards a better life for me, I found what I really wanted, I gave myself Love.By doing this I found I could help others.Be grateful and know everyday is a step forward on your journey.It took time to get where you are and it will take time to get where you want to be, but it will happen.You have already found love, peace and happiness.It is in your destiny and this is your journey towards it.How can you put it into your life?Heartset is when you live in alignment with your Soul.Our heart is the place where the Truth exists and when we live in accordance with this we are in a vibration of allowing, surrendering and accepting because we are no longer striving, controlling, searching and manipulating.This is a space where we can truly feel our magnificence and the sacredness of who we are.Shifting to heartset living not only changes how you see yourself but how you see others and the world.When you make this shift, others and life are no longer a competition or a problem to be solved, rather you recognize the sacredness within them and the experience.Heartset in one word, is freedom.Freedom from judgement of self and others, freedom from worry and fear, freedom from competition with self or others and, instead, an openness and love for yourself, others and Life that is beyond describable.How does heartset make mindset easier?When you live in this open free space, your mind is exposed to the endless possibilities that reside in the Universe.We only see limits and scarcity when we live in our minds, as that is what they are programmed to see.The more you can open to heartset living the more you can unplug yourself from these limiting thinking programs and tap into the infiniteness of the Universe.When you reprogram your mind to align with your heart, things really start to get fun, because now you are living a life where anything is possible!This is where the magic of manifestation happens when these two powerful energy centers work together, anything really is possible.And because you have let go of the limiting programming and judgements, you can see that, even when things happen that are not traditionally considered positive, there is still beauty and grace in them too.How can people practice heartset?The way to start living from a heartset place is to become aware of your thoughts and therefore the programming that is limiting you from fully living with an open heart.Lots of times, these limitations are tied to wounding, trauma and disconnection from your inner child and other parts of you.Then your only job is to follow this guidance and remove any barriers that pop up that keep you from following your path.Doing things this way requires an incredible amount of courage, faith and a willingness to lean into uncertainty.It is not work for the faint of heart and, make no mistake, you will be facing challenges, but it is in those experiences that you learn, grow and heal the most, and that is where the magic is!What is the key to a limitless mindset?If you want a limitless mindset, start by reconnecting to your Self.The part of you that knows the journey, that understands and unconditionally loves all of you, the part of you that does not judge or chastise you and is free of shame and guilt.You may be asking if this is possible and the answer is a resounding yes, because that is what the journey is all about, about coming Home to your Self.It is not about getting new tips, tricks or skills but rather unlearning and healing all the things that keep you from experiencing yourself as the sacred being you already are!How can you put it into your life?Practicing Heartset living or ‘leading with [the]( Management Systems) heart’ is simple but not always easy.Many times when we are challenged, Ego steps in to deal with the situation.Ego is designed to keep us safe.It quickly assesses the situation, runs through options and chooses the action that makes the most sense and will get us out of trouble.Living a Heartset life requires we quiet Ego and allow our heart/spirit/soul to lead us.Allowing Heart to lead can be a scary thought because fear, lack of understanding, wondering what the future will bring, triggers Ego to take over.How can people practice heartset?When we practice the act of Heartset thinking and action, we learn how to hear the voice of our Heart, to have faith that we will be taken care of.What are some steps and actions for that practice?Take a moment to center yourself and tune into your love center.Imagine your Heart hearing the question/challenge.As you practice Heartset in your everyday life, you will notice that you automatically go into this state quickly and easily.Imagine love emanating from your body, mind and spirit.Love vibration is the highest there is and will change the world starting with you and will ripple out to loved ones, community, city, state, country and world.How can you put it into your life?Heartset means to me bringing together courage and compassion, fear and love.It represents to me operating from love, listening, and following our intuition.Feeling and hearing these little nudges, thoughts that sometimes come very unexpectedly and often, if not always, are the opposite of what our mind tells us.The pull towards something that may not make sense logically but feels so right in our bodies and our hearts is the guidance deep within.The heartset is our inner compass.Every single one of us has the answers within and, deep down, we know and we feel the direction we are being guided towards.The challenge comes when our mind wants to join the heart party and starts asking for all the how’s and that tends to be the Achilles heel, the disconnect from our heart.How can people practice heartset?Slowing down and creating space for connecting with ourselves.It can look different to each one of us but inevitably we get to cancel the noise outside of us so that we can quiet it within us.When we get quiet within, start listening and watch the magic happen.What would you do if you weren’t afraid?What would it look like to choose you?How can you put it into your life?When I think of heartset, I think of emotional intelligence, which helps us experience what is deep within us and move from a position of limitless love.

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