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  • When we follow our hearts we don’t put our minds first.Decisions are based on intuition more so than analyzing.Doing this speaks of who we really are and the outcomes are usually very positive.If your heart is in the right place and you have centered yourself, you will achieve great things.I find these clients are more satisfied with their lives than those who follow their brain and do what is expected of them.Often, people feel those that follow their heart do not have courage but it takes lots of courage to use your heart intelligence, your gut intelligence, to take charge of your life.What is the key to a limitless mindset?One’s ability to think positive and surround oneself with positive people while being brave enough to accept criticism and feedback, are the basic keys to a limitless mindset.Really get to know yourself and put the work in to create an attitude that everything is within you and possible, is one of the first steps in limitless mindset.Motivation is an important key to a limitless mindset.You have to be inspired and motivated to achieve a limitless mindset.Once you’re motivated and completely devoted to achieve a goal and knowing that you can complete that goal, you will achieve a limited mindset.When my husband died and all I had was a general equivalency degree for high school, I set my mind to achieve a graduate degree.I knew I wanted to achieve academic success to further my goals.I began working immediately to achieve this goal by listing what I wanted to achieve and then developing a road map to get there.I set my mind to only succeeding.In my heart I knew I could get a graduate degree.I knew if I did the work it was possible.I was able to complete the goal in 5 years.My guts help me overcome all the challenges.I have used this method to achieve any goal I set.How can you put it into your life?Many moments call for operating from my heart as a mother, daughter, and significant other.Challenge is that the problems are real and the pain is real.Funny how we always seem to get through them.I have learnt there is no such thing as failure when your heartset is filled with desire.The losses turn into a lesson when the heart is filled with a burning passion.I’m not sure about you, but I know that I have had goals in the past, and I’ve been 100% committed.Then one small challenge slips in and breaks the focus, and it seems like everything falls into pieces.In the past, I’ve thought there might be an easier route.Sometimes I even wanted to quit.Have you experienced that feeling before?It was moving into my heartset that has kept me on my path and I’m sure it will work for you too.How can you put it into your life?As an intuitive, the concept of heartset is tuning into that place inside of ourselves that has the knowing.We all have a place of inner knowing, as opposed to the knowledge we gain from sources outside of ourselves.When we operate from the heartset space, we are in alignment with our highest selves.From that perspective we are able to see situations and others more clearly, and to respond with kindness even when we are confronted with harshness.Having our perspective in our hearts allows us to speak our own truth without taking other’s truth from them.When I do psychic readings for people, I drop my focus into my heart chakra and connect to the other person’s heart chakra in order to access intuitive information for that person.By doing this, I’m able to bypass interference from my brain, which naturally wants to logically solve problems.How does heartset make mindset easier?Heartset, in alignment with mindset, allows both heart and mind to contribute to the answer to any question.Where the mind relies on facts, or what it perceives to be facts, the heart relies on the pure energy of love.When we are in tune with the love in our hearts, that feeling moves through us allowing the mind to relax and our mindset to reach a higher vibration.When our hearts and minds work together, we make better decisions and live more authentically.Our mindsets are more at peace when we are in our heartsets, therefore more likely to lean away from looking for problems and lean toward resolution and peace.How can people practice heartset?My favorite way to practice heartset is using different visualizations to help focus energy to the heart chakra, then to expand love into the world by visualizing love flowing through the heart chakra outwards.Start by sitting or lying down quietly and breathing slowly and deeply, envisioning breath going into each chakra starting with the root.When you have breathed energy into each of the seven main chakras you will feel more open and balanced.Then, focus specifically on the heart chakra.With the next exhale, visualize, or feel, sending love out to the world.Repeat this process until you feel at peace.Afterward, you will go about your business with your energy coming from your heart.If stress creeps in, upsetting your heartset, take a few minutes and repeat the chakra breathing.What is the key to a limitless mindset?Boiling it down to one key.That key, for many people, would have to open many doors before reaching and maintaining a limitless mindset.For those who don’t already have a limitless mindset, by virtue of birth or rearing, there are often layers of identifying and correcting/healing the past related to mindset.That’s where heartset initially comes in.The beginning of that healing is the first door the key must open on the way to a limitless mindset.The next door might be unlearning worthlessness in order to begin feeling worthy.Along the way there are multiple forms of forgiveness, whether toward others or self.Throughout this journey, the heartset is doing the healing so that the heart and mind can reach balance and work together.How can you put it into your life?The key to a limitless mindset is being able to identify and remove limiting beliefs.How do you know if you have limiting beliefs?Is your life already perfect in every way, with everything exactly the way you want it to be? If the answer to this question is no, then you have limiting beliefs!How can you put it into your life?There is a world of possibility.But sometimes, due to past trauma, limited perception, and lack of experience, people are reticent to pursue anything new and exciting.Most of the successes that I’ve had in my lifetime have come through breaking through the barrier of fear and doing new things that have caused my mindset to shift.Being in the political arena never crossed my mind.But, due to a divine appointment, I was able to win a seat on the Roswell, New Mexico city Council.This was a brand new experience.In my history I’ve never been excited about politics or had any desire to hold a political office.I believe that one of the key factors to having a limitless mindset is to make sure that you are willing to try new and exciting things.You have to be able to push aside fear and move forward with courage and strength against all odds.Oftentimes, you will find that the task you were hesitant to pursue wasn’t that bad after all.So, I challenge you to expand your mind and pursue endeavors that are outside of your normal purview.There is a world of unlimited possibilities.If you’d like to explore your limitless mindset further, let’s connect on an Empowerment Strategy Session.How can you put it into your life?Come out of your head and into your heart.One of my favorite sayings for training speakers and so supportive in developing your heart set.Notice what makes you feel good, bring awareness to your heart’s desires and the true emotions you feel in various situations, and in spite of the fear, follow your heart and take action on what’s important to you.Let’s Rise Together.How can you put it into your life?Your heartset is what drives you through life with passion and fire, leading you to fulfillment and satisfaction, balance and alignment.When you discover how to let your heart guide you, your decisions become easier to make, manifestations magically appear, and you become more aligned with what you truly want.Living from the heart, listening to its wisdom, guidance, desires, and putting passion into everything that you do, is only a small part of what heartset really is.Heartset is all about noticing and following what feels good.What is meant for you will lift you, assist you in expressing yourself, and feel harmonious.Putting out love, letting your passion guide you, and doing so without fear, is what gives heartset its superpower of attraction.Open your heart to receive all you want.How does heartset make mindset easier?Knowing what you deeply value makes it easier to align with your beliefs.The reason is because it’s not the mind that holds the beliefs, it’s actually the body, which is governed by the second brain, aka the heart.When you think of that big goal you’d like to achieve, what do you notice in your body?If there’s any resistance, constriction, tightness, or sensation that isn’t neutral or pure joy, that’s a sign you may not fully believe you can have what you want.Now the mind can adopt alignment.How can people practice heartset?Looking at life through the lens of the heart is the key to creating a new set of beliefs around the way we work and live.Honoring what you desire, what brings you joy, and following your passion, are ways to tap into and strengthen your heartset.What makes life exciting for you?What could you do for hours and hours without getting bored?Find the things that make you You, and do them.Break through the old mindset that you have to do things a certain way, and live on your terms.Give yourself permission to follow your heart and do what makes you feel good.Practice patience, compassion, and understanding with yourself and others.Learning to listen and finding a connection helps us all move closer to leading with our hearts rather than the outdated system of the egoic mind.What is your heart telling you?What is the key to a limitless mindset?A limitless mindset means breaking past any beliefs you have about yourself and what you can accomplish.This also extends into the world with seeing opportunities abound and everyone having the power to do whatever they dream.The key to limitless thinking is adopting the belief that anything is possible, then walking the talk.It’s you showing up everyday, pushing yourself past what you thought you could do.It’s acting on the pings of inspiration, and it’s being bold enough to take big risks even when there’s no proof of success.How can you put it into your life?It is that thing you need nearly as bad as, and as regularly, you need oxygen.Perhaps it is a goal, if it is, you will have an unwavering drive to accomplish that goal at all costs.I believe that at its core, your heartset is the why behind what you hunger for and yearn to attain.It is that anchor deep in your very soul that fosters your dedication, allegiance, and willingness to sacrifice.Even when that sacrifice is beyond whatever you would have to go through.How does heartset make mindset easier?Meanwhile, your heartset, which is fully internal, accepts no quarter, takes no prisoners or failure.Your heartset expects, and only accepts, an assailing, ongoing push towards reaching your heart’s desire.Thus, your heartset can help you far better align your mindset towards that end.

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